Mills Act

The Mills Act Historical Property Contract Program is the City’s most significant financial incentive for historic preservation. It allows owners of Los Angeles Historic-Cultural Monuments (HCMs) and contributing properties within one of the City’s Historic Preservation Overlay Zones (HPOZs) to receive a potential property tax reduction to help offset the costs of substantial rehabilitation and restoration of their buildings.

Additional Information

Western Heights Historic Preservation Overlay Zone

The historic architecture of our neighborhood is protected by the Western Heights Preservation Overlay Zone. This means that any changes to your home which are visible from the street, such as paint colors or fencing, require review and approval by the Western Height HPOZ Board. Here is some helpful information that pertains to our HPOZ.


HPOZ Preservation Plan


HPOZ Meeting Agendas

Legal Information

When was my home built?

HPOZ Planner Contact
Deepeaka Dhaliwal
(213) 847-3654