Community Meeting
Community Meeting - Details will be sent out via email to the Western Heights mailing list. To sign up for the mailing list please email westernheightsla@gmail.com

Community Meeting
Community Meeting - Details will be sent out via email to the Western Heights mailing list. To sign up for the mailing list please email westernheightsla@gmail.com

Community Meeting
Community Meeting - Details will be sent out via email to the Western Heights mailing list. To sign up for the mailing list please email westernheightsla@gmail.com

Community Meeting
Community Meeting - Details will be sent out via email to the Western Heights mailing list. To sign up for the mailing list please email westernheightsla@gmail.com

Community Meeting
Community Meeting - Details will be sent out via email to the Western Heights mailing list. To sign up for the mailing list please email westernheightsla@gmail.com

The next election will be held on the second Tuesday of Jan 2022. (11 Jan 2022)
Please nominate yourself or another individual by writing to westernheightsla@gmail.com or contacting Greg Jackson.
4.4 Officers shall be elected annually by the members of the WHNA. A call for nominations shall be announced at least three months prior to the election. Any member may place their own name or any member’s name in nomination by submitting such nomination to the Coordinating Council in writing prior to the monthly meeting at which officers are to be elected. In addition, any member who is present at the election meeting is eligible for a nomination from the floor.
4.5 Officers shall be elected by the majority of all supporting members at the general election meeting each year, provided all members have been given 30-day notice prior to an election.
4.9a The President or highest-ranking officer shall preside at all the general meetings and at all the meetings of the Coordinating Council. The President may facilitate WHNA activities and may act as a liaison and representative of the Association to city offices and agencies.
4.9b The President shall be expected to make a good faith effort to maintain an appearance of objectivity and impartiality while presiding over Association meetings.
4.10 The Vice President will perform the duties of the President, should the President be unable to perform their duties. In addition, the Vice President will be responsible for giving direction and support to standing committees, as needed.
4.11 The Recording Secretary shall keep a record of the minutes of all general and special meetings. This shall include the date, place, and accurate accounting of the proceedings and a list of members present. When submitting the record for the newsletter, an attachment of the name list may be included. The Recording Secretary shall be responsible for amending the record of the minutes or any amendments if offered and accepted during the approval process. Any committee and/or sub-committee, workgroup, or task force shall keep a general record of its meetings. This record is separate from a report and should be made available to any Association member upon request.
4.12 The Corresponding Secretary shall at the request of the Coordinating Council, draft and send correspondence on WHNA letterhead on issues pertaining to the Association or assist committee members in such endeavors. In addition, the Corresponding Secretary shall perform any other duties associated with the (TBD) Los Angeles, California 90019.
4.13a The Treasurer shall keep and maintain, or cause to be kept and maintained, adequate and correct books and records of accounts of the properties and business transactions of WHNA, including accounts of its assets, liabilities, receipts, disbursements, gains, losses, and capital. The general ledger shall be open to inspection upon reasonable request by any member. The Treasurer shall file or cause to be filed any necessary reports to any regulatory agencies. The Treasurer will also present a report before the membership and retain a digital copy for disclosure.
4.13b The Treasurer, or their other designee, shall deposit all monies and other valuables in the name of and to the credit of WHNA with such depositories as may be designated by the members. The Treasurer shall disburse funds of the WHNA as may be ordered by the Coordinating Council or as voted at a general meeting. In addition, the Treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the membership or the bylaws. The signatures of two officers the president, vice president or treasurer are required for all checks.
4.13c The books of account or bank statements shall be made available for inspection within two weeks of receipt of a request from a member.
4.14 The Communication Editor shall be responsible for gathering information on issues pertaining to WHNA including meeting minutes, which will only be copy edited for grammar and spelling. The Editor is responsible for creating the master copy of the newsletter, including distribution to the WHNA membership.

Community Meeting
Community Meeting - Details will be sent out via email to the Western Heights mailing list. To sign up for the mailing list please email westernheightsla@gmail.com

Community Meeting
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Community Meeting
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WHNA T-Shirt Competition!
We are looking for a new design to use on our 2021 WHNA t-shirt! See below for entry and prize information. Submissions or questions may be sent to donnahanson@icloud.com by June 10, 2021.