Welcome to Western Heights

Los Angeles, CA


Our Mission

The purpose and mission of the Western Heights Neighborhood Association (WHNA) is to maintain and promote an excellent quality of life, provide a forum for the residents of Western Heights to get together, discuss concerns, share information with each other and the neighborhood, generate neighborhood projects, and to socialize.

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Upcoming Events


We aim to meet once every quarter. The date and time for each meeting is sent to members of the WHNA email list. To join the mailing list please email westernheightsla@gmail.com


2023 Coordinating Council
Board Members

President: Alex Jaspersen

Vice President: Gisele SanchezRochet

Recording Secretary: Stormie Leoni

Treasurer: Daniel Gaby

Corresponding Secretary: Margaret Gascoigne

Digital Communication: Alex Jaspersen

Filming Liaison: Bridgette Palmer

Membership Committee: Chris Carlson